Some Heating plus A/C systems never change

Recently my buddy and I replaced our central air system.

It is what my buddy and I used to control our heating plus cooling system.

My friend and I had to replace it because it was consistently cutting for the exact same reasons. My friend and I did not know why it was happening however it just needed to go. My friend and I thought the best chance was just to replace the entire system. Are Heating plus A/C worker even suggested it. So my buddy and I replaced the entire Heating plus A/C system; However when my buddy and I had the new system it seemed like my buddy and I were having the exact same problems. My friend and I were not sure if it was how my buddy and I were controlling it or using it. My friend and I absolutely had an Heating plus A/C worker provide us our tutorial on how exactly to use the system. It seemed to work perfectly fine for him. But then when she left that day it seemed as if the next day it was acting up again. I was at a stance on what to do. I had no idea what my buddy and I should do. My friend and I had just replace the entire Heating plus A/C system in our house. Heating plus A/C systems are not cheap to replace either. So I wanted to replace it with a newer odd system would be far too much currency for us to spend. I know my buddy and I were going to be stuck with this one Heating plus A/C system for the next 20 years until it would need to be replaced again, however unless my buddy and I win the lottery plus can forward to install a new Heating plus A/C system, then can you just imagine winning the lottery plus being able to install any piece of Heating plus A/C unit you could ever dream of.
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