The heat pump is also looking after our respiratory system

It’s just so refreshing and lovely to be able to walk into my home and enjoy such great air conditioning.

We live in a region where the summer heat and humidity can be simply overwhelming.

And I mean brutally overwhelming. For us, we live at the top of an apartment building. It’s not any sort of highrise situation. But I do have to go up several flights of stairs to get to my home. Our parking lot is always full by the time I get home from the commercial HVAC at the office. So that means I get to walk quite a ways before I even get to the stairs. By the time I reach that wonderful central air conditioning, I’m ready for it. And that’s late in the evening. The peak heating hours of the day are a whole other thing. For sure, you want to be inside air conditioning during that period of the day. On my days off, when it’s summer, I get up well before the sun rises to have coffee and then get out of the air condition for some exercise. But you can bet I’m inside the air conditioning before lunchtime and through the peak heating hours. It’s certainly more comfortable and better for my health. I also have that to thank the heat pump for as it protects my respiratory health. It does this by balancing the humidity levels in my home as it’s air conditioning my home. Without this important process of HVAC cooling, I’d have to be cleaning up mold and mildew due to the hot and humid environment we live in. It’s just another facet of the heat pump and it’s incredible HVAC technology.

air quality systems