My next work is teaching Heating and A/C techs

I never thought that I would still be working at this age.

Honestly, I expected to be done with my professional work right after I turned 55.

I had saved and prepared for that moment for my entire life. However, when the afternoon rolled around and I left my weekly position as an Heating and A/C repair company, I realized that I was annoyed. I was dreading my last afternoon at the Heating and A/C repair shop. I didn’t care about my going away party from the other Heating and A/C workers and my seasoned boss. I wasn’t looking forward to having afternoons full of… nothing. I particularly started to panic at the thought of losing my weekly toil as a professional air handling company. Sure enough, retirement was awful. After I ran tests on our central Heating and A/C system and offered my services to everyone in the neighborhood for free, I had no idea what to do with all my time. Thank god, that’s when I got a call from the local trade college. Out of the green, I was contacted by the manager of the Heating and A/C repair and repair program that they offered at the technical college. Apparently, they had just lost their top Heating and A/C repair teacher and they instantaneously needed someone to step in to teach the class about heating and cooling system repair services. The next thing I knew, I was signing on as a teacher at the local trade college. These afternoons, I report to the Heating and A/C repair course every single afternoon. I teach the kids how to approach heating and cooling device problemshooting and repair services. I’m thrilled that I can serve a modern purpose in the Heating and A/C industry, and these kids won’t be total idiots after taking my course.
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