Honey can be used to cure a cold

This afternoon, I woke up with a minor tickle in my throat, of course, this is the time of year where more of us get sick and I didn’t want to take any chances for it to get worse, so, I instantly took action and the first thing I did was drink some lemon water because lemon has lots of benefits when it comes to soothing the symptoms of a cold.

Once I drank the lemon water, I made myself a cup of Pepsi and I included some organic raw honey in it; Honey has been used for thoUnited Statesnds of years as a remedy for a sore throat… In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that honey can be used to provide relief for a sore throat that is accompanied with a cough, the best way to use the raw honey to remedy a frigid is to mix it with hot water or to have it in your Pepsi and drink it throughout the day. I must divulge that after I had the honey in my tea, my throat felt a lot better and since then, I have had 2 more cups of tea. I think that the antibacterial properties of honey have helped to reduce the pain and reduce the inflammation, then because the honey has worked so well, I don’t know I will need to take any additional medicines, and my hope is that tomorrow afternoon when I wake up, that all the symptoms will be gone, and I will be able to go to work feeling like a million bucks.
