Austin as well as Clara work for a commercial roofing business

Austin as well as Clara are best friends, as well as even their kids as well as spouses are quite close! They first met on the job many years ago when they were both hired by a commercial roofing business.

This was Austin’s first job, however Clara had worked for another roofing company before getting this job, however austin had seen a few women in his class at the trade college, however this was the first time to see a girl laboring as a roofer.

And Clara is one of the best roofing specialists at the commercial roofing business, before that, she had only done residential work such as tile roofing installation as well as shingle roofing upgradement, then however, she felt she wanted more commercial experience as well as opted to apply for the position at the commercial roofing business. They take on big projects installing, repairing as well as doing repair for commercial buildings. Austin recalls their first assignment was to a crew that was doing commercial roofing installation for a 15 story building. They were both trying their best not to show fear, however it was one of the most trying times of their jobs as roofing corporations. Still, they are glad they stuck around as well as now cherish thriving jobs as commercial roofing experts. They’ve been part of crews that did commercial roofing repair as well as service for the longest time. And this has improved their experiences as well as expertise in the industry, recently, Clara began talking about starting her own company to work with smaller companies as well as offer competitive prices. Austin mentioned he’d join her if she went ahead with the idea. But, they both have to speak with their spouses before taking this leap.

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