Finally got rid of bees in my yard

It took forever to get rid of the bees in my backyard, I was actually beginning to suppose I might be stuck with them! That’s how terrible it was… I have had all kinds of insects in my yard, but bumble bees, honey bees, wasps, red jackets & even hornets.

I’m not actually a fan of any of them, however the honey bees & bumble bees mainly do their own thing, & so I don’t mind them. I usually will have some kind of honey bee rescue arena come to remove them & bring them to a honey farm, as for the wasps & red jackets, I usually have an exterminator come out for them. The wasp exterminator removes all of them 3-4 times a year for me. Their population grows actually fast, & that is why I am regularly getting the same exterminator coming out to my arena. I actually like the local exterminator, because they offer honey bee rescue as well, & so I usually just get all of them taken care of at the same time. I wanted to have all of the bees removed though, because it was getting to the point where they were getting inside of my house. So for the fifth time this year, I had a residential bee removal contractor come & remove all of them. It has been several afternoons, & I haven’t seen a single bee in my home, which is nice… Hopefully that will keep their numbers down for a little while, & supply me peace.


Yellow Jacket Extermination