The A/C was in the school buildings on the grounds of the festival

We went to a big music festival last weekend and the only place where there was any A/C was in the school buildings on the grounds.

The festival was held on the grounds of a community college and they offer the buildings for people to go in and cool off in the air conditioning sometimes.

There are also restrooms inside of the school buildings, too, but not everyone knows that. I was really glad that not everyone knew about them because that’s where I always went whenever I needed to go during the weekend. The best part about it was the fact that I was able to go inside and enjoy the refreshing air conditioning in the building for a while sometimes. It’s amazing how hot the temperature gets down there in the south sometimes during the summer. It’s not even summer yet, and the weather is already heating up a lot! I got pretty sweaty and uncomfortable several times and it was really nice to be able to go inside the building where there was actually some air conditioning once in a while. I love the way that you feel so nice and cool whenever you first go into an air conditioned building after being out in the hot sun for a long time. The music festival was a whole lot of fun but next time I think that I might want to go to one during the fall when the weather isn’t going to be so hot outside. I really love live music but I don’t like being hot.

