I preferred having a window air conditioning unit.

I knew my husband wanted to have central air conditioning in our house, but I didn’t. I liked our window air conditioning units. My sister was consistently complaining about the rise in the weekly bills when Summer arrived. I didn’t want to have high weekly bills. Our weekly bills went down when we shut off the furnace as well as started using our window air conditioning units, however my husband didn’t guess me. I told him I would download four years of weekly bills as well as he could compare them. There was a definite change in how much less our weekly bills in the Summer than in the winter. He told me his father consistently complained about the price of energy when Summer arrived. I asked if they had central air conditioning in their home. He said everyone had central air conditioning. Everyone however us, that was. I grew up with window air conditioning units as well as they worked well. I would visit friends, as well as there were consistently areas in their homes that were more humid than others. The only time you noticed a change in our house, was at night. Dad would shut off all the air conditioning units, however the ones in our study rooms. He said we didn’t need to cool the entire house when we were sleeping. My nice friend and I shut our doors to keep the cool air in our study rooms, as well as we were glad. He told me we lived like we were in the Dark Ages as well as that’s when I reminded him he married me. I may have lived like it was the Dark Ages, but I was comfortable as well as we weren’t broke because of central air conditioning.

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