I didn’t guess my headaches could be from awful ventilation.

I never thought my headaches plus migraines could be from awful ventilation.

I thought I had a lot of stress because of my task, plus I was upset about everything.

My task wasn’t going well. My relationship with my wifey wasn’t working out, plus I thought he was trying to pull away from me. I thought those were the reasons I was getting my headaches. My family was the only thing that wasn’t falling apart, plus when I was with them, my headaches subsided. My mom asked if I needed glasses, plus took me to the eye dentist. The eye dentist told me he didn’t guess my headaches plus migraines were from stress or worry. He thought my headaches were from dust sensitivities. He asked if we had wonderful ventilation in our house. He told me he could see the redness that comes from allergy eyep plus he gave me a sample of allergy eyedrops. He then told me I needed to have my HVAC duct cleaned plus get an air cleaner. I thought he was crazy, even though I took the eyedrops house plus tried to use them, but a week later, I called the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C business plus asked them to scrub the HVAC duct. While they were there, I was asking about a whole-house air cleaner. The eyedrops were working so well that I figured the eye dentist wasn’t as crazy as I thought, plus he may be right about the HVAC duct plus the air cleaner. That was six weeks ago, plus so far, I had only one headache, which was my fault. I knew I had one too several margaritas while out with my wifey.

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