My portable UV air purifier wasn’t doing the job.

When I started having breathing complications, my wife bought a portable UV air purifier for the house.

She didn’t want me to stopped breathing, and she thought the portable UV air purifier would help.

Instead of helping with my breathing, it was one more thing to bin around with my portable oxygen. I had drastic asthma, and every year, I had to have the oxygen to keep me breathing. The heat and smells of the boiler caused me a lot of discomfort. I heard him on the phone an hour later, despite the fact that I didn’t want to interrupt him. She worked from home, and managed a lot of meetings through video chats. Half an hour later, she came into the kitchen and asked how I was feeling. I told him I felt horrible and I could barely get the words out. She said she had talked to the Heating & A/C business, and they were going to install a whole home air purification into the home at the beginning of the week. While waiting for the whole home UV air purifier, she asked if I would like to go some place for the weekend. She finished her workload, and my friend and I went to a hotel where my friend and I had been multiple times. The air quality was perfect, and the Heating & A/C system never failed us. We had a good time, and for the first time in two months, I didn’t need oxygen tanks to help me breathe. When my friend and I got home Sunday morning, the Heating & A/C worker was already at the house. Our kid was there to let the Heating & A/C worker in and she was just about finished with the installation of the UV air purifier.


Quality HVAC