Without a/c, our church canceled services.

Most of the people in our congregation were elderly, plus our minister always tried to do what was best for the mass, but last July was hotter than normal, plus the a/c wasn’t working really well in the church.

If it was ninety outside, it was at least ninety-multiple inside, plus something needed to be done.

Although the deacons kept saying they could not afford it, the minister kept saying my pal and I needed to get the a/c unit fixed or repaired. The deacons were also told to find the money, or he would need to go to a higher power. When Mom said he was going to the higher power, he didn’t mean he was going to do more praying. He would go to the health association plus tell them the deacons were denying a/c to the elderly. I didn’t guess Mom was being drastic because I didn’t guess he could go to the health association, even though he would complain to someone. When one of the older parishioners passed out, Mom went ballistic. Even before the sermon began, he walked up to the pulpit. He greeted all the people, thanked them for coming, then addressed the congregation plus the deacons. He said because of the state of the a/c system, he was going to let all the people go home. He didn’t want anyone getting sick because the deacons didn’t deem the a/c worthy of the church’s money. One of the deacons reached out to more than 2 heating as well as A/C companies plus asked if they could provide us a discount on an a/c unit. Luckily, one of their heating as well as A/C companies had a family member who went to our church.


duct cleaning