What do they do with the air duct?

When the HVAC professional showed up last week, she told my wife my associate and I needed the current air duct. I was aggravated about the price, as well as I was just as aggravated thinking about what they were going to do with all that air duct. I wanted to guess if they were going to recycle the duct vents or just throw it away. There was already too much metal in the landfills, as well as that was never going to biodegrade. I knew that older duct vents were made with aluminum as well and that was something you could get fantastic money for, if it was recycled. I talked to the HVAC professional as well as asked if I could have the aluminum duct vents when they took it out of the house. I was sure I could get enough money for my motorcycle wheels if I could recycle the seasoned air duct. Dad also told me I could have the duct vents as long as I disposed of it responsibly as well as I didn’t let it sit in the yard for the next decade. I promised I would borrow my friend’s truck, as well as my associate and I would take it to the scrap yard. Dad told me it was now up to the HVAC company. They would dislike the duct vents as well as update it with flexpipe. If they gave me the air duct, it was up to me to take care of it. Two weeks later, the HVAC professionals arrived to unlink the seasoned air duct. I talked to the HVAC professional who looked like she may be the toil supervisor, as well as I asked what they would do with the air duct. I told him that unless they kept it I wanted to recycle it. She told me to bring the truck to the house, as well as they would load the duct vents into the truck for us.


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