A cooling specialist in town

I am not a soccer fan, but I regularly get the scores at the end of particular matches, primarily so that I can understand the memes that will be trending and tease friends who are fans.

However, recently I met a man who loves pigskin, and gradually, I am starting to like it too. I do not mind it and in fact, I find myself cheering on, especially when we are in a crowd with multiple fans. The energy really rubs off on you, and now he has been telling the history of his number one team. So each year, the team dawns a jersey with a completely new design. Before the league started, we would visit the neighborhood athletic activities shop to get the shirts, but I had been postponing it because of work. I work as a cooling specialist in the cooling industry and summers are a stressful time. Apart from doing multiple deliveries of new Heating and A/C components, I was also involved with installing, maintaining, and doing a/c repairs. The cooling company I work with is known for offering top-notch help with indoor comfort, so we get super busy, especially when summer rolls in. My associate and I finally visited the store during the weekend when our schedule opened up. My experience with quality a/c systems has taught me more about a/c, and I also unconsciously notice good indoor comfort. Though the outside was scorching hot, the store had excellent cooling. I spotted the splits on what I observed was a mini-split a/c system, and I commented on the good a/c system, and the shop attendant indulged me in conversation about the system. He studied to become a cooling tech and knew much about the equipment and he was really knowledgeable, so I thought he was a qualified cooling representative. My associate and I got our jerseys and were ready for the championship league.
