There were people toiling on the high style Heating and Air Conditioning units

Yesterday when I went outside, I saw that there were a half a dozen guys in Heating and Air Conditioning company uniforms up on the roof of our building.

I don’t suppose what they were doing out there, however granted, though, there are often lots of people up on the roof that I don’t even suppose about.

I suppose I am pretty oblivious whenever it comes to the building where I live… Since we live in an apartment complex with more than five other giant buildings, there are a whole lot of commercial Heating and Air Conditioning units up there on the roof. I suppose that they were up there toiling on something, however since the heating plan seemed to be toiling fine in our building, I couldn’t imagine what it was that they were doing up there; There were a lot of them up there, though. There was also a massive Heating and Air Conditioning company truck parked out in the parking lot of the building… When I walked over to the building with the leasing office inside of it, I happened to run into the building manager so I asked her what was going on. She said that one of the heating units for the building had broken down and they were trying to get it repaired before the snowstorm that was supposed to happen last night. I suppose that’s why all of the Heating and Air Conditioning workers were up there. They were trying to get ahead of the storm. I suppose they just wanted to make sure that everyone in the building had a toiling oil furnace plan before the storm hit.

a/c workman