I told the Heating plus Air Conditioning worker not to step on the hardwood.

When the HVC worker came to the apartment to inspect our ductwork, I told him not to step on the carpets. He told me he wore booties, so there was no way he was going to get the carpets dirty. I wasn’t sad about getting our carpets dirty. There was a reason why I didn’t want him stepping on the carpets. I had localed carpets over the areas where the floor was weak. There were carpets in the one side room and in the attic. I wasn’t sad about the side room, because it didn’t have ductwork in there, which is why the room wasn’t used. It had no windows, and no air vents. The Heating plus Air Conditioning worker abruptly finished inspecting the ductwork in the basement and said he wanted to look at the ductwork int he attic. I reminded him not to step on the carpets, however I could not remember if I told why he shouldn’t step on the carpets… Five minutes later, he found out. He stepped on a rug that was in front of the ductwork, and he was now lying on our bedroom floor. I called the paramedics, because I was sure he had disfigured his back or hips. He looked care about he was in pain. I told the Heating plus Air Conditioning worker not to move, and that I had called an ambulance. I also told him I would call the Heating plus Air Conditioning company and let them know he wouldn’t be back to work. While he was lying on our floor, I asked him if I needed new ductwork. He shook his head, which caused pain, and told me they could repair the ductwork when they cleaned it.

space heater