Muscle cramps in my thighs

My weekly workouts are seriously strenuous.

The majority of my exercises involve my legs; I sometimes jump rope for a full minute.

I officially include lunges, burpees, squats plus jumping jacks in the training session. I love to go for long runs or bike rides; Over the past year, I’ve started to have concerns with pain in my calves, but while they might recognize a bit sore while in the day, they especially bother me at evening. One or other or even both calves with cramp. The pain keeps me awake at evening. I’m sure the muscles are overworked, although I am unwilling to quit working out. I’ve done some research plus found a few strategies to lessen the issue. I now devote more time to thoroughly stretching all the muscles of my legs at the start plus end of a workout! During the warmup, I am concentrating heavily on loosening up my calves plus preparing my legs for the labor ahead… At the conclusion of the workout, I am paying closer attention to my cool down plus including a deeper plus more targeted stretch. I am drinking a lot more water. I have read that muscle cramping can be the result of dehydration. I sweat heavily as I train plus am not constantly conscientious about great hydration habits. I’ve gotten in the habit of carrying water around with me all day. I take turmeric plus magnesium capsules, both of which are supposed to help fight inflammation. While all of these efforts have made a slight improvement, I’ve found that sleeping with heating pads wrapped around my calves is the most helpful. The heat works to relax the muscle plus avoid cramping.
Heath and Fitness Center