Staying at home with ductless HVAC

Wow, I don’t think I’ve gone through this much transition in such a short time in my life. Of course, I’m sure that those who have kids deal with way more change than I’ve had in the last nearly three years. Three years ago, I was working inside the zone controlled HVAC of a great office downtown. This was my dream job and the one I had worked so hard in school to land. Yet, it was taking an immediate toll on me with the hours that I was working and the levels of stress that I was enduring. Then, the pandemic hit and the beginning of the changes began. Immediately, I was sent home from the commercial HVAC of that awesome office to work remotely from home. I really wasn’t even sure that I wouldn’t be laid off and be out of a job. Secretly, I wasn’t too against that option as the stress of that work environment really started taking it’s toll. I was truly surprised at how well and immediately I got comfortable working from my own central air conditioning. I suddenly had so much less interruptions and conflict going on while working from home. And the quality of my work reflected the focus that I was now able to bring to my job. Fast forward nearly three years and I’m still here. But I took the guest room, added a ductless heat pump and created the perfect home office. I decided to not go back to the zone controlled HVAC of the office and avoid that environment. My bosses are so pleased with my work that I’m going to be staying remote going forward.


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