Going separate from Heating this year

I’m about 1 or two steps away from living off the grid in a campervan or a tent at this rate.

I’m back in the US for another week as well as I am so put off by all of the spending as well as consumption here it just makes myself and others want to check out from humanity totally.

I am close to that point now as I own no home, no car, as well as have no fiance or children. I’ve chosen to live simply overseas as well as it has given myself and others a lot of freedom that I otherwise wouldn’t have living in the States. But heating, ventilation, as well as A/C system are crucial to myself and others as well as living off the grid completely in a tent or some kind of makeshift house separate from a climate control method is just a bit over the top for me. I have my total spending each month down to about $1250, which includes everything, however if I go much lower than that the quality of my living would decrease crucially. My central Heating as well as A/C method keeps myself and others comfortable year round, as well as making that amount of cash each month only requires myself and others to work about 15 or so hours a week. I could work this amount of hours for the rest of my life, as it is basically just a part time job as well as can be done in my own house no matter where I am. The heating corp near myself and others keeps myself and others busy on the side with heating as well as cooling component repairs as well as duct cleaning as well as sealing for some of their clients. It’s a pretty easy life I live nowadays.

Energy saving tips