Packing website with helicopter-parent keywords

When I was hired as a media director I was pretty blown away, but i cannot say that I know entirely much about social media or projecting an image for a brand from my past life.

In my free time I have built up a few online blogs plus photography websites, but.

I do know a thing or two about SEO plus bringing modern clients into your company website… That being said, when a local heating, cooling, plus air quality controls dealership asked if I would help to design their brand modern website I was in over my head. I cannot say that I know the first thing about air quality control or air handling devices. In fact, I’m lucky if my own central heating, cooling, plus ventilation system gets any professional attention at all. In general, I’m glad when I touch my control unit plus the indoor air handling unit responds to the change in temperature settings, beyond telling you how I program my control unit I couldn’t give you any details about indoor air temperature management. But when I started at the modern heating plus cooling dealership I knew I would learn a lot, but namely, I learned that overzealous parents are the number one client for heating plus cooling companies. Without information under my belt I started packing the modern heating plus cooling website with helicopter parent search terms, such as “high functioning HVAC devices,” “energy efficient air conditioner,” plus “dust sensitivity sensitive whole-house air purifier.” With all of these lock plus key parents flocking to the heating plus cooling dealership my modern boss is entirely glad.


Packing website with helicopter-parent keywords