Could go all winter without central heating

My mom lives in a truly miserable place.

She is still up near my hometown, where the seasons are always extreme and long-lasting.

Up there, it feels like winter lasts an entire lifetime. Every single year the terribly cold season starts in October and lasts through May. You honestly can’t begin to understand how depressing and debilitating the winters are unless you’ve lived there. For the past two years, I have been living happily in the south where we barely have winter. I’ve been trying to convince my mom to move down here ever since I arrived. I constantly tell her about the amazing outdoor climate and send her screenshots of our air temperature is when she’s complaining about the terrific cold. She honestly doesn’t seem to believe that our climate is so much better than hers. This year, I decided to prove it to her by going the entire season without using my central heating system a single time. She legitimately laughed when I told her about my heatless plan. She said there was no way that it stayed that warm and she doubted that I would put up with chilly indoor temperatures. She’s right about that, I wouldn’t live in a cold and drafty house in the winter. Luckily, it truly stays so balmy and warm here that I didn’t have to. Just like I said, I lasted the whole season without engaging my forced air furnace a single time. My mom was stubbornly shocked. It’s only fair to mention, I had a slight advantage; our winter weather ended in February while hers continued for the next 3 months.

air conditioning system