Jury duty is freezing – and he’s consistently warm

I was recently laughing pretty strenuous when my wifey got called into jury duty in a neighboring county.

  • He never changed his registration information over to our city, so he was served with jury duty at his parents house.

This man, he had to take an entire week off of work to hang out with Mom and Dad when he wasn’t at the courthouse. He was less than thrilled with staying in their old, dilapidated house. He said that he was miserable all evening long because their air conditioner barely works anymore. He said the cooling system was installed at least 20 years ago, and yet he doesn’t remember ever seeing the air conditioner being professionally tested before. Obviously, this meant he was sleeping in subpar air quality – or at least attempting to sleep in subpar air quality. When he reported to jury duty the next afternoon, he was truly tired. He was more than ready for some modern air conditioning to make up for his hot evening, then unfortunately, he wasn’t ready for the harshly powerful cooling system at the courthome was employing. Apparently, they had a truly odd strategy when it came to indoor Air Temperature Control. They loved their air conditioner! He said the courthome was so freezing that he was honestly shivering in his seat, and the people around him asked if he was feeling okay. He couldn’t wait for the afternoon to be over… But it was 12 hours of freezing sitting before he was released.When he told me this story, I had empathetic goose bumps. I couldn’t even imagine how freezing I would have been, compared to me, he’s consistently warm!


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